Check every week to see what is happening with the UVIC rabbits that went to Texas.

Some Background on the Texas - Bound Bunnies

This story started out almost a year ago, when the University of Victoria began publicizing the idea of a "cull" for the thousands of rabbits that had made this campus home for over 20 years.   As members from the community protested loudly about this idea, a compromise was reached where the University agreed for certain groups with special permits to remove the rabbits from campus to sanctuaries.  It was a whirlwind time as the group taking the rabbits to Texas had no time to fund raise properly and almost immediately had to arrange for local veterinarians to spay and neuter the rabbits and then find places for them to recuperate before making the long haul down to Texas.  The permit holder Laura-Leah Shaw who with determination and creativity (not to mention her credit card) spearheaded this tremendous difficult effort.  Several rabbits were originally transported down to Rabbit Haven in Gig Harbour and then taken to Texas.  In total approximately 240 rabbits in 4 van loads made their way to Whitehouse Texas to the Wild Rose Rescue Ranch in Texas where they will spend the rest of their lives.  The story doesn't stop there though  -  recently the city of Whitehouse passed a city ordinance not allowing more than 4 animals to be kept inside the city limits.  Presently the WildRose Ranch is fighting this unfair ordinance, so at the moment has a temporary restraining order in place to protect the animals.  So for now the rabbits are safe and happy in Texas.

However, we are in desperate need of funding  and help with the continued maintenance of the rabbits.  If you think you can volunteer or help out in some way either in Victoria or Texas ,don't hesitate to contact us at  We need your help.   If you want to donate please go to the TRACS website.  Any kind of help is much appreciated.